Five things you can do right now to make Fall River better
1. Support Fall River Alumni Network Early Literacy program. If kids can’t read at grade level by 3rd grade, their chances of graduating or getting a good job are greatly diminished. Invest in early literacy for 1-3 year olds and, Pre-K thru 3rd grade.
2. Boosting High School Graduation and College Enrollment. Support programs to increase high school graduation rates and college enrollment. A well educated workforce key to growing Fall River’s existing businesses and attracting new ones to Fall River.
The Community Foundation of Southeastern Massachusetts set up these two programs to improve educational outcomes. The Community Foundation can also work with you directly to set up your own donor advised fund with them to advance education outcomes in Fall River [link]
3. Support AHA! Fall River, a new initiative by Arts United Fall River, AHA! New Bedford and the Community Foundation of Southeastern Mass. to revitalize Fall River by expanding arts events and cultural programming in the downtown area.
4. Support Children’s Museum of Greater Fall River and its work with parents and local schools to inspire a love of learning while strengthening family, education and social bonds.
5. Shop Fall River. Use Fall River companies for your business/family needs, e.g. lighting (Lightolier), lap or therapy pools (SwimEx), or art for the home/office and the food your grew up with (e.g. Chow Mein sandwiches)
You can also follow Fall River Alumni Network on Twitter at #FallRiverRising to stay informed about what’s going on back home and new opportunities to give back.
SUGGESTION BOX: Your ideas for actions people can take now or things to add to our website