Economic Development
​How you can help: Act as ambassadors of Fall River in your region by talking up the competitive and geographic advantages of the city to people thinking of leaving high cost cities and regions (Boston, New York, San Francisco) as well as people looking for places to move or start their businesses.

The Fall River Office of Economic Development (FROED) is a one-stop shop offering an array of incentives to startup, expand and relocate businesses, including low-interest financing, tax exemptions, connections with employee recruitment and training services and site selection assistance. FROED also provides support for permitting, infrastructure, licensing and other needs, all free of charge. These incentives complement very low building and land costs and city tax, water and sewer rates among the lowest in the state.
The Greater Fall River Chamber of Commerce is a key partner in the city’s efforts to create an innovative, diversified and sustainable economy built on niche manufacturing, green technology, life sciences, transportation, distribution and professional services. The Chamber works closely with FROED to promote Fall River’s low business costs, relatively inexpensive real estate and a variety of local and state incentives for new and existing businesses.

The Urban Manufacturing Alliance (UMA) is a national network of small business advocates, manufacturing associations, city governments, and urban industrial experts from over 30 cities working to strengthen America’s manufacturing sector. Founded by SFMade and the Pratt Center in New York, it provides a platform for cities to exchange ideas about place-based marketing, targeted workforce development, supportive land use policies, etc. The UMA is also building a networking infrastructure to foster the sharing of best practices among cities and amplify their voices in national policy discussions.
After decades of decline, the U.S. manufacturing sector is now growing once again due to the unique cultural, spatial and economic assets urban areas offer. The Urban Manufacturing Alliance works to support and grow this trend. For more information, contact Kate Sofis, SFMade Executive Director, at or go to website:
You can read: The Possibility of Urban Manufacturing by Kate Sofis of SFMade at: